Core Beliefs

Understand how we see God

What a church believes is important. It’s the very foundation for how they see God; it shapes how and what life with God is about and it shapes how they see people and ultimately how they impact the world. HCC’s core beliefs describe how we see God and what life with God is about.  This is what HCC believes:

About God

We believe there is one true and living God who is the creator and sustainer of the universe and exists in three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who became God in human form to redeem and restore humanity from sin into right relationship with God.  We believe that the Holy Spirit is present and active in the world to make humanity aware of their need for right relationship with God and to align the lives of Jesus-followers with the things of God.

About the Bible

We believe the 66 books of the Bible originated with God and that men were moved by God to write it in its entirety. While the original writings reflect the background, cultures, styles, and vocabularies of those God chose to write, because it originated with and was inspired by God, we believe the Bible is without any mixture of error and is completely relevant to our daily lives.

About People

We believe that all people were created in the image of God to have relationship with him but are alienated in that relationship through sinful disobedience. All people are created to live forever somewhere, either eternally separated from God by sin or in right relationship with God. All people are in need of redemption from sin but are incapable of restoring right relationship with God through their own efforts.

About Redemption and Restoration

We believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross providing the sole provision for the redemption of sin and restoration of relationship with God. God freely offers this redemption and restoration to those who, by faith, personally embrace Jesus’ on-our-behalf death as the sufficient payment for sin.

About Life Following Jesus

We believe that life with God is all about following Jesus and that following Jesus means seeing and responding to the world as Jesus did. Followers of Jesus should be growing in their relationship with God and others, and impacting the world around them pursuing a life of full alignment with the things of God.

Followers of Jesus form a worldwide community known as the church. The local church is an individual representation of the church in a specific culture and context. As a part of the church’s mission, the local church engages people far from God within the cultural context and creates environments in which to invite them to discover a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.