Inviting people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ

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As we express our love to God and to others, we believe that it changes our perspective of the world around us.


By spending time with others growing in our love for God, we learn and understand how Jesus reacted and responded to the world around Him.


Serving causes us to focus our attention on others around us. We begin to see the world through the eyes of Jesus and react and respond with grace and empathy.

Coming Soon…

Blessing Box

By HCC’s Park

A Blessing Box is available for those in need. Located by the playground on HCC’s campus.
Donations for the Blessing Box are always welcome.

HCC Park & Shelter House


The park and shelter house is open to the public. A port-a-potty will be available from May-October. 

If you would like to reserve the shelter house please call or email the church office.


Little Library

By HCC’s Park


The Little Library has books available for all ages to choose from.

Have a book you no longer want, place it in the Little Library for someone else.




In Person & Online


There are things all around us from which we can choose. We can choose to be like the crowd or we can choose to stand apart from the crowd. An interesting twist on the choices we make is that we are almost always conforming to something. When we choose to be like the crowd, we may be choosing to conform to what everyone around us thinks, prefers, or believes. When we choose stand apart from the crowd, we may be choosing to conform to a standard of thought, preference and belief different from everyone else. Another interesting twist on the choices we make is that we are almost always transforming along the way. The transformation may not always be good like when we become a more hateful or prideful person as we conform to what’s around us. But the transformation can also be good, like when we become a more loving, caring, thoughtful and considerate person as we conform to a different standard of conviction. It may go without saying, but transformation for the good is far better than transformation for the bad. When we place trust in Jesus and live right with God, the transformation is for the good (or at least it should be).